Your Potential is Real®, LLC

Do what makes your soul shine.

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Education & Certificates

  • Professional Certification Coach (PCC) via International Coaching Federation (ICF)

  • Certified Professional Coach via Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC)

  • COR.E Dynamics Specialist in Leadership via iPEC

  • COR.E Dynamics Specialist in Wellness via iPEC

  • COR.E Dynamics Specialist in Performance via iPEC

  • COR.E Dynamics Specialist in Transitions via iPEC

  • Energy Leadership Index - Master Practitioner (ELI-MP) via iPEC

  • Critical Friends Group® (CFG®) Certified Coach via NSRF

  • Masters of Arts in Teaching

  • Bachelors of Arts in English with a minor in Art History

  • International Coaching Federation (ICF) Member

  • Certificate - Dare To Lead Trained (Brene Brown)

  • Certificate in Happiness Studies (CiHS) - in training

  • Positive Intelligence Certification & Coach - in training

  • Doctoral Student - EdD in Leadership and Professional Practice


Meet Alethea! =)

Dream it…Believe it…Live it…Confirm it…
I was crowned the first runner up and voted Miss Congeniality in the Sunday School Pageant in 1990. Keep in mind that this was something that I would have never signed up to do on my own.  I preferred to spend my weekends hanging out with friends, doing research for debate at the library, or reading.  You can say that I was “into my studies” in high school.  Fashion was not on the top of my list because I typically rocked a pair of penny loafers w/quarters (yes, I said quarters), a sweater/cardigan, and a skirt.  One could say that I was was going for “the school girl look”. I just liked comfort.

When I was approached by one of the church mothers to participate in the pageant, my initial reaction was, “Me? Not interested.” My parents never pressured us into doing things that we were not interested in doing. I thought about the pageant and decided that I did not have anything to loose by participating. It might be good for me to try something new, take a risk, and to step outside of my comfort zone esp. since I was going to be heading off to college the following summer.

To mu surprise, participating in the pageant was a great experience. I was glad that I stepped out of my comfort zone.  Throughout the entire experience, I  was true to myself.  I did not pretend to be someone that I was not. For example, for my talent, the pageant coordinator wanted me to recite scriptures from the Bible, sing, or do an interpretative the other girls. Yes, I understood that it was a church event and I should do something to reflect that, but it was not me. Plus, I had already agreed to wear that red hat and scarf.  I felt that I would have come across as being fake if I had done exactly what they wanted. I was on the speech and debate team, so I decided to do my “award-winning” Humorous Interpretation piece. After I was finished, I received a standing ovation.  The audience loved it!  Members of the church were shocked and surprised because I was known as “the quiet one” who always sat in the back reading.  When they announced the results in each category, to my surprise…I knocked every single category out of the park.  I decided to allow myself to shine. I decided that I was going to be the butterfly and not the caterpillar. I decided I was going to show up and do my best…and not worry about winning.  I allowed myself to be in the present and not to be attached to the outcome and to enjoy the moment. The points indicated that I had lost by one or two-point because my talent “did not reflect Sunday School values”.   Although I did no win the title, I had already won by putting myself out there by taking a risk and stepping out of my comfort-zone. 30 years later, I am still known for my talent. Always remember to Celebrate Your Dopeness: Your Inner Light Within. 😊

According to Bob Proctor, “You are always one decision away from a totally different life.” Participating in the pageant gave me confidence that I did not have before. You can change the direction of your life… You have to believe that anything is possible.

Anything in life is POSSIBLE…

Living the life you desire is POSSIBLE…

Feeling empowered is POSSIBLE…

Not failing is POSSIBLE…

Reducing stress is POSSIBLE…

Learning to shift your energy is POSSIBLE…

Re/discovering your joy is POSSIBLE…

So I ask…Where have you been? Why are you here? Where are you going? What is your direction for life? Are you living in your purpose, working on your ideas, or living out your dreams? Or are you comfortable/satisfied with your life as is? Do you desire more? Are you putting off your dreams? Where are you going with your life? Are you challenging yourself? Are you learning new things? Living the life that you desire, is up to you…you have to make the first step. If you don’t program yourself life will program you! As an ICF Certified Professional Coach, I empower my clients to re/discover their joy by Celebrating Their Dopeness: Their Inner Light Within because living the life that you desire is POSSIBLE!

Fun Fact: I consider Japan to be home ever though I am from Seattle. Also, I used to spend my summers following the Dave Matthews Band around North America.